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Share Your Food!

A lot of students deal with the same problem when it comes to doing the groceries and cooking: the amount of food is always too much. Unfortunately this often results in throwing out food. We already discussed a solution of cooking together with people you know, but if your friends are not in town, what do you do? Luckily students in Leuven came up with a very good solution to prevent this waste of food.

You can offer your residual food in a Facebook-group called Leuven Food Sharing. Food Sharing is a peer to peer mass post-sharing platform for home-cooked meals between friends at cost-price. In this platform you can share your home-cooked meals for pick-up, eat-in or delivery. The great news is that you do not have to throw out any food and you can share the costs of your meals! Of course it is also very convenient if you do not feel like cooking or do not have the time to cook (which probably happens a lot when you are a busy student).

Are you a student in Gent or Kortrijk? Then you are lucky because these cities also have Food Sharing-platforms, join them now: Food Sharing Gent en Food Sharing Kortrijk.

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